Monday 14 December 2015

Gift Guide- Dad

Gift Guide- Father

I personally think that fathers- my dad especially are the hardest people to buy for. When it comes to birthday's and Christmas presents I can get the same reaction if I gave him a piece of paper or Steven Gerrard himself, okay maybe Steven Gerrard would get an appropriate response but you know what I mean they are just so hard to shop for. So with that here are some ideas to help you guys out 

One thing my dad actually loves to get is books. If he gets a book for Christmas or his birthday he will just pick it up right then and there and will only put it down for food or football until he has finished it. Easons currently have great sales on a lot of books at the moment and they also have the 3 for 2 offer.

If you know your dad's favourite scent then a great idea is to get them a gift set of their favourite aftershave or scent, The Perfume Shop have great gift sets for men at the moment so definitely check that out.

To continue the reading theme, a Kindle can be quite a good idea. Amazon have different prices for the memory space but it's a great idea if your dad loves reading but has to travel a lot then they can just carry around the Kindle instead of several books. 

My dad lives in his Liverpool jersey's/t-shirts and hoodies, I swear he has probably 6 items of clothing that aren't Liverpool related so if your dad is like mine and loves his football, it's always a great idea to get them a jersey because they can be quite expensive. Elverys have most football teams jersey's to purchase here: and if they are football mad it will extremely loved and used.

Another idea to gift your dad is a nice watch. Fields have some quite nice watches and my dad loves watches, it's the only jewelry he would wear so he does love a good watch.

Marks and Spencers have these really comfy slippers for 55 euro, what dad doesn't love a good pair of slippers during the Winter time.

What goes great with a cosy pair of slippers? A super cosy dressing gown, again Marks and Spencers have this great thermal one for 80 euro.

If you want to go down the comical route for a Christmas present this year, this Dad Jokes Books cost 11 euro. 

So that's it for this Gift Guide, I hope you feel inspired and enjoyed today's blog!



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